วันพุธที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Psalm 19:1-5 for Your to know God is good

NET Psalm 19:1 For the music director; a psalm of David. The heavens declare God's glory; the sky displays his handiwork. 2 Day after day it speaks out; night after night it reveals his greatness. 3 There is no actual speech or word, nor is its voice literally heard. 4 Yet its voice echoes throughout the earth; its words carry to the distant horizon. In the sky he has pitched a tent for the sun.
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2 `dwI)d"l. rAmðz>mi x:Ceªn:m.l; WTT Psalm 19:1
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lbeteâ hceäq.biW ~W"©q; ac'Ûy"¬ Ÿ#r<a'’h'-lk'B.
`~h,(B' lh,aoï-~f'( vm,V,ªl;÷ ~h,_yLemi
3 `[:yqI)r"h' dyGIïm; wyd"ªy"÷ hfeî[]m;W¥ lae_-dAb)K. 4 `t[;D"(-hW<x;y> hl'y>l;ªL.÷ hl'y>l:ïw> rm,ao+ 5 `~l'(Aq [m'îv.nI yliªB.÷
Psalm 18:1 eivj to. te,loj yalmo.j tw/| Dauid 2 oi` ouvranoi. dihgou/ntai do,xan qeou/ poi,hsin de. ceirw/n auvtou/ avnagge,llei to. stere,wma 3 h`me,ra th/| h`me,ra| evreu,getai r`h/ma kai. nu.x nukti. avnagge,llei gnw/sin 4 ouvk eivsi.n laliai. ouvde. lo,goi w-n ouvci. avkou,ontai ai` fwnai. auvtw/n 5 eivj pa/san th.n gh/n evxh/lqen o` fqo,ggoj auvtw/n kai. eivj ta. pe,rata th/j oivkoume,nhj ta. r`h,mata auvtw/n evn tw/| h`li,w| e;qeto to. skh,nwma auvtou/

